01227546-a '(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame';
English shameful 2 ( ) , inglorious 1 , black , disgraceful ( ) , ignominious ( ) , opprobrious ( )
Indonesian memalukan , mengaibkan
Japanese やましい , 恥ずべき , 恥さらし , 疚しい , 恥曝し , 疾しい , 面目ない , 破廉恥 , 面目無い
(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands- Rachel Carson; an ignominious retreat; inglorious defeat; an opprobrious monument to human greed; a shameful display of cowardice
人は…大洋島上の破壊者として、最も邪悪な記録の一つを刻んだ−レイチェル・カーソン; 不名誉な撤退; 不名誉な敗北; 人間の欲深さへの恥ずべき記念碑; 臆病者の恥ずかしい表示
Similar to: dishonorable
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