00671351-n 'a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments';
Chinese (simplified) 外科手术 , 手术
English operation 2 ( ) , surgery ( ) , surgical operation , surgical procedure , surgical process
Indonesian operasi , pembedahan
Japanese 外科手術 , 手術 , 切開手術 , オペレーション , オペ , 施術 , 執刀
手術室が使用可能になり次第彼らは手術を予定するだろう; 彼は手術を受けている間に死んだ
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments
performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body
they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available; he died while undergoing surgery
Hyponym: ablation amputation angioplasty arthroplasty arthroscopy brain_surgery castration catheterization cautery chemosurgery craniotomy cryosurgery curettage debridement decortication dilation_and_curettage electrosurgery enterostomy enucleation evisceration exenteration eye_operation fenestration gastrectomy gastroenterostomy gastrostomy heart_surgery hemorrhoidectomy hysterotomy implantation intestinal_bypass jejunostomy major_surgery microsurgery minor_surgery myotomy myringectomy myringoplasty myringotomy neurosurgery orchiopexy osteotomy ostomy palatopharyngoplasty phlebectomy photocoagulation plastic_surgery polypectomy resection rhinotomy rhizotomy sex-change_operation shirodkar's_operation sterilization strabotomy taxis tracheostomy transplant trephination tympanoplasty uranoplasty vasovasostomy vivisection wrong-site_surgery
Hypernym: medical_procedure
Meronym–Part: hemostasis incision suturing
Domain–Category: surgery
In Domain–Category: freeze suction decorticate ablate hypophysectomize trepan
Semantic Field: actn
External Links

SUMO: = Surgery

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.000; Future: 0.000)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.00) MLSentiCon: (+0.12 -0.12)


(0.02809 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>