10 Results for: (Concept:15227846-n)
60240 Amidst the great attention on what will happen on New_Year_'s_Day this year , Central_TV_of_North_Korea notified Japan_'s_NHK , " We want a satellite line secured for an hour starting at 11:00 a.m. , January 1st , to convey our news video . "
60688 As the boxes were heavy , weighing five and twelve_kilograms respectively , the Station and the Metropolitan_Police_Department suspected the possibility of the boxes containing explosives , and dispatched a bomb squad of about fifty members , and opened them over approximately three hours using such measures as freezing them .
60734 After ascending a mountain path for two hours to reach the Temple_of_the_Moon , Reiko took her white wedding dress out of her backpack and transformed into a blushing bride .
61042 From here I went by motor boat on the Mekong_River and a tributary , the Han_River for about three hours .
61044 Then it was ten hours of bouncing in a truck .
61385 On average , there were only seven oral arguments and the time required for taking of evidence was four hours in total .
61543 For example , the number of hours of instruction is specified per grade for each subject , moral education , and special activities , with 306 being the hours for Japanese and 850 the total number of hours of instructions for the first grade .
61543 For example , the number of hours of instruction is specified per grade for each subject , moral education , and special activities , with 306 being the hours for Japanese and 850 the total number of hours of instructions for the first grade .
61543 For example , the number of hours of instruction is specified per grade for each subject , moral education , and special activities , with 306 being the hours for Japanese and 850 the total number of hours of instructions for the first grade .
61544 While these hours of instruction are regarded as a " standard , " it is actually being treated as the " minimum . "

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