10 Results for: (Concept:15213406-n)
49335 It was the end of November , and Holmes and I sat , upon a raw and foggy night , on either side of a blazing fire in our sitting-room in Baker Street .
60130 This annual estimation was calculated based on the data of births , deaths , marriages , etc . that were reported to municipal governments between January and November 1994 .
60213 As of November 1994 , 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized , and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized .
60253 In November , it went below 3,700_dollars .
61185 It was November of the year before last when under the Hosokawa administration the Hiraiwa_Report made a recommendation that " economic regulation should be based on the free market in principle . "
100633 Cole will dazzle you with her sultry voice as she performs her hits including a memorable ‘duet ' with Nat_King_Cole on 31st October , while the legendary George_Benson belts out his smooth sounds on 4th November .
101191 In Singapore , the Festival_of_Lights , as it 's endearingly called , falls on 5 November 2010 and is a public holiday .
102830 The Theemithi ( fire walking ceremony ) , one of the main festivals celebrated at the temple , is held annually around October and November each year .
104091 Dates to note : 20 November 2010 to 2 January 2011
104171 The S-League , as it 's named , is touted as one of Asia 's top 10 leagues , with the season running from February to November .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>