6 Results for: (Concept:13969243-n)
56004 A sandwich , and a cup of coffee , and then off to violin land , where all is sweetness , and delicacy , and harmony , and there are no red-headed clients to vex us with their conundrums . '
60987 The people of the Mekong have lived in excellent harmony with nature .
101506 The Chinese believe in combining ingredients to enhance the harmony between the yin and yang qualities of the food .
102437 Rising from the cultivated gardens are majestic pagodas , built to integrate and to be in harmony with the natural environment .
102939 Coming together as a society and living in harmony , there are four major races namely the Chinese ( majority ) , Malay , Indian and Eurasian .
103747 The Chinese characters for longevity or harmony are often imprinted on the top of mooncakes .

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