5 Results for: (Concept:13955461-n)
60346 In reality , these immigrants have eclipsed traditional patterns of immigration and created a " colony " of their native Hong_Kong .
61166 However , will it be possible for these visions to become reality without taking drastic steps such as going back to the drawing board and selecting the people 's " representatives " for a start ?
61414 Prime Minister_Berlusconi , having made a meteoric rise to power from obscurity and established the right-wing administration last May , declared a break with the postwar system and promised to make " clean politics " a reality .
61799 Securing manpower is also a challenge without social recognition and , even if it has been secured , social insurance is unavailable : moreover , as office and equipment are under an individual 's name , the reality is that there will be an inheritance tax problem when that individual dies .
102848 Certainly one of the biggest and possibly one of the best known , it opened in 1995 and has featured in TV reality show The_Amazing_Race several times thanks to its distinctive fountain .

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