10 Results for: (Concept:13928668-n)
60034 In this 50th anniversary of the end of the war , with the paradigm of the Cold_War collapsed and a new order required throughout the world , the substantial problem of the next Japan-U . S. summit meeting is how we establish a close relationship between Japan and the U.S. , which leads the way in the 21st century .
60035 Our role , based on the Japan-U . S. relationship in Asia and the Pacific region , is considerably important .
60236 President Kim_Young-Sam_of_the_Republic_of_Korea issued a New_Year 's announcement on December 31 , appealing for improvement of the North-South relationship that has deteriorated following the death of Kim_Il_Sung .
61117 Kato 's wife , Kikuko , said , " I heard a banging noise as made by a falling object between two and three o'clock a.m. , " and the police are investigating the relationship between her story and the incident .
61265 With the fall of the " Cold War structure " and the ever more interdependent relationships among countries , in addressing the various kinds of problems which we face a global vantage point that transcends " national " frameworks is becoming more and more essential .
61299 The relationship between Japan and South_Korea in the past 30 years had not been smooth in any shape or form .
61311 The incident where Mr._Kim_Dae_Jung , one of the leaders of the opposition party , was abducted from a hotel in Tokyo under broad daylight in 1973 put the relationship between the two countries under the greatest strain .
61424 Having taken control over three of the seven major national television stations in Italy , Fininvest made an attempt to have under its control the three government-run television stations that had a competitive relationship with the company .
61427 It has been reported that he said , " It is an aberration for the government-run television stations to oppose the government chosen by the majority of the citizens , " and we must say that such a statement is an extremely unreasonable , disregarding the relationship between media and authority in a democratic society .
61648 Former Japanese prime ministers also emphasized a " new relationship " whenever they visited the US and made some commitments .

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