9 Results for: (Concept:13327676-n)
18797 I am too old a traveller to allow myself to be seriously inconvenienced by the loss of my luggage , but I confess that I was annoyed at the idea of being forced to dodge and hide before a man whose record was black with unutterable infamies .
46724 Setting aside the whole grim story of Sir Charles 's death , we had a line of inexplicable incidents all within the limits of two days , which included the receipt of the printed letter , the black- bearded spy in the hansom , the loss of the new brown boot , the loss of the old black boot , and now the return of the new brown boot .
46724 Setting aside the whole grim story of Sir Charles 's death , we had a line of inexplicable incidents all within the limits of two days , which included the receipt of the printed letter , the black- bearded spy in the hansom , the loss of the new brown boot , the loss of the old black boot , and now the return of the new brown boot .
47303 And yet , if it were not for the loss of the charming companionship of the boys , I could rejoice over my own misfortune , for , with my strong tastes for botany and zoology , I find an unlimited field of work here , and my sister is as devoted to Nature as I am .
55865 Still , of course , I never dared to leave the room for an instant , for I was not sure when he might come , and the billet was such a good one , and suited me so well , that I would not risk the loss of it .
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