10 Results for: (Concept:09328904-n)
11903 One day , the Lord Buddha was strolling around the edge of the lotus lake in heaven .
11904 The lotus flowers that blossomed in the lake were all pure pearl-white .
11907 By and by , the Lord Buddha stopped at the edge of the lake and peered between the lotus leaves that covered its surface , for a quick glance at the situation below .
11908 As the depths of hell were just below the lotus lake , through the crystal clear water , a vision of the Sanzu river and the mountain of spikes were clearly visible , as if seen through a water glass .
11921 In hell 's depths , Kandata was floating and sinking in the lake of blood with the other sinners .
11924 Even the great thief Kandata , choked in the lake of blood , could only twitch like a dying frog .
11926 By chance , Kandata raised his head and glanced at the sky of the lake of blood , when from the still darkness , far , far away , a silver thread ever thin and shining , as if fearful of others ' eyes , slithered down toward him .
11930 Then he should never again be chased onto the mountain of spikes or be drowned in the lake of blood .
11936 It was worth climbing so hard , the lake of blood he had been in till now was now hidden in the depth of darkness .
11959 Standing by the side of the lotus lake in heaven , Lord Buddha observed the whole incident .

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