10 Results for: (Concept:08645033-n)
11265 Yet there was much around to interest us , for we were passing through as singular a countryside as any in England , where a few scattered cottages represented the population of to-day , while on every hand enormous square-towered churches bristled up from the flat green landscape and told of the glory and prosperity of old East Anglia .
45926 Being himself childless , it was his openly expressed desire that the whole countryside should , within his own lifetime , profit by his good fortune , and many will have personal reasons for bewailing his untimely end .
46118 And yet it can not be denied that the prosperity of the whole poor , bleak country-side depends upon his presence .
46894 Rolling pasture lands curved upwards on either side of us , and old gabled houses peeped out from amid the thick green foliage , but behind the peaceful and sunlit country-side there rose ever , dark against the evening sky , the long , gloomy curve of the moor , broken by the jagged and sinister hills .
46900 To his eyes all seemed beautiful , but to me a tinge of melancholy lay upon the country-side , which bore so clearly the mark of the waning year .
47100 It is asking much of a wealthy man to come down and bury himself in a place of this kind , but I need not tell you that it means a very great deal to the country-side .
47593 ' You would have thought the middle of that prairie a fairly safe place for a man to be private , ' said he , ' but , by thunder , the whole country-side seems to have been out to see me do my wooing - and a mighty poor wooing at that !
47804 ' The folk on the country-side . '
49399 The hound was called off and hurried away to its lair in the Grimpen Mire , and a mystery was left which puzzled the authorities , alarmed the country-side , and finally brought the case within the scope of our observation .
101998 For a more rustic getaway , head out towards Pulau_Ubin or the Kranji Countryside fondly dubbed ‘the last remaining slice of rural life ' .

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