8 Results for: (Concept:08198398-n)
60003 The Russian force seems to have reached its final stage to take control of the capital .
60004 According to a report from Grozny , after intense aerial bombardments and artillery strikes by Russian forces , Russian armored troops advanced to the vicinity of the presidential palace .
60176 In its campaign platform set out by the new Chairman_of_the_House_of_Representatives , Newt_Gingrich , and titled , " Contract with America , " the Republican_Party promised to " promote the entry into NATO of countries with the will to turn to democracy and a market economy , as well as placing their military forces under civilian control , " thus demonstrating their plan to encourage Eastern_European nations to join NATO .
60176 In its campaign platform set out by the new Chairman_of_the_House_of_Representatives , Newt_Gingrich , and titled , " Contract with America , " the Republican_Party promised to " promote the entry into NATO of countries with the will to turn to democracy and a market economy , as well as placing their military forces under civilian control , " thus demonstrating their plan to encourage Eastern_European nations to join NATO .
60217 Since the Second_United_Nations_Operation in Somalia has decided on withdrawal by the end of March this year , the resumption of full-scale civil war following the withdrawal of the U.N. peace-keeping force is strongly feared .
60219 The parties involved in the civil war are the Mursade and Abgal clans , behind which is the confrontation between the Aidid and Mohamed factions , the two major armed forces of Somalia .
60414 After administration of the colony of Hong_Kong stabilized the police force came to be predominately Chinese , but with a reputation for keeping the peace , a large number of Indians are employed in the security sector even today .
60937 Before the general elections one year ago , however , the Vietnamese fishermen were attacked by forces loyal to Pol_Pot .

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