10 Results for: (Concept:07970721-n)
60228 A football superstar , Diego_Maradona and his family met Fidel_Castro , Cuban_President_of_the_Council_of_State , on December 30th last year , and they joyfully took photos together .
60230 Families of the two plan to enjoy holidays together in Cuba until January 2 .
60371 It is very common for middle-class and higher double income families to hire maids .
60419 Raji_Sitar , who with his family runs a trading company dealing in electrical appliances and watches on a corner of this street , was born in Hong_Kong .
60443 There are ten people in the Sitar family living in Hong_Kong .
60522 Originally , the family of Honinbo_I_Sansa lived at a side temple on the grounds of Kyoto_'s_Jakko_Temple .
60523 It was the decision of the 23rd holder of this historical family name , Shusai , to transform the go championship title into a competition based on skill , which this year is hailing its 50th seven-game match .
60564 My family spent the New_Year day at a hotel .
60676 Mr._Manabu_Maeshima , a company worker from Edogawa-ku , Tokyo , said with powerful religious handclaps , " I do not mean to be greedy , but I hope that the economic situation will improve . I prayed that four families including two children would not be bad-off . "
60741 In these days , many of her fellow club members faced opposition from their families about their adventure plans because they were female .

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