9 Results for: (Concept:07186828-n)
11107 " Do n't you think , Mr. Cubitt , " said he , at last , " that your best plan would be to make a direct appeal to your wife , and to ask her to share her secret with you ? "
11454 There can be no question that the latter as a reply to an appeal is far the most probable , and the circumstances pointed to its being a reply written by the lady .
11457 It occurred to me that if these appeals came , as I expected , from someone who had been intimate with the lady in her early life , a combination which contained two E 's with three letters between might very well stand for the name ' ELSIE . '
11459 It was certainly some appeal to ' Elsie . '
11461 But what appeal could it be ?
13177 There was something that touched me as I read this letter , something pitiable in the reiterated appeals to bring Holmes .
18830 It was hardly an appeal to be successful with one who was an old campaigner as well as an old friend .
18866 The appeal was one which could not be ignored .
46693 ' If matters came to a crisis I should endeavour to be present in person , but you can understand that , with my extensive consulting practice and with the constant appeals which reach me from many quarters , it is impossible for me to be absent from London for an indefinite time .

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