5 Results for: (Concept:06744396-n)
61718 No formal explanation has been offered yet from the " New Democratic_Liberal_Party_Preparatory_Committee , " of which members include the Social_Democratic_Party_'s_Sadao_Yamahana , the President_of_the_New_Democratic_League ( Shinminren ) , about their definition of " liberal . "
61720 While we get the idea that " liberal " is the generic term for non-Liberal Democratic and non-Shinshin ( New Frontier ) , from what Mr._Yamahana and Secretary-General_Wataru_Kubo_of_the_SDPJ have been saying it simply means anti-conservative , and no positive definition or specific details has been provided .
61730 While we would rather not get into the true meaning of " liberal , " its definition has changed with the times and , by now , it has been given a certain distinct image as a political term in Europe and the US .
61738 One has to wonder what all this means now that another new word , " civil-liberal " has emerged , and the definition of liberal is becoming less and less within grasp .
101722 But while it is known for its dedication towards developing and expanding definitions and forms of Malay theatre , Teater_Ekamatra does not restrict its work to performances in the Malay language .

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