10 Results for: (Concept:06532330-n)
60657 On the problem that a legal apprentice had investigated criminal suspects and made opening statements in criminal suits , which might be regarded as a violation of law , the Legal_Research and Training_Institute_of_the_Supreme_Court decided by December 31 to notify , " it was not appropriate , " to courts , prosecutors offices , and bar associations .
61129 The new law all at once expanded the electorate from about a mere two percent of the total population up until that time to twenty percent , making it indeed a groundbreaking electoral system at the time .
61131 In its morning edition for March 30 of that year , the Tokyo_Nichi-Nichi_Shimbun , the forerunner to the Mainichi_Newspaper , reported the enactment of the new law .
61147 Another thing is that this election law had an important aspect that one might say was the source that created the distortion as we see today .
61149 The banning of door-to-door canvassing that had been incorporated into that law at the time still continues to exist today .
61454 A law was passed to draw the boundaries the single-seal Lower_House districts ; the new electoral system based on the combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation has been enforced and we can expect the dissolution of the Diet and a general election any day .
61801 Given this situation , the law for NPO ( Non-Profit Organization ) that has been acclaimed as the powerful driving force in revitalizing the American society has attracted much attention .
61802 This law provides a system for private corporations where profits will not be allocated in principle and will be entirely reinvested for the purpose of activities , instead of being distributed to the founders and stakeholders , and once an organization submit or mail to the state government a simple form filled out with the organization 's name , name of the person responsible and other related items , it can be approved within several days of review ; it is said that approximately one_million organization have been registered in the US .
61807 It is expected that there will be considerable resistance from bureaucrats as implementing the NPO law may ultimately strip the government agencies of their authority , as was the case with other deregulations .
62093 The Russian invasion of Chechnya trampled on the " peaceful resolution of conflicts " and " respect for the rights of ethnic minorities " advocated in the Charter_of_Paris_of_the_Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , which should be described as the fundamental law to define international relations on the European continent after the Cold_War , and has an element that can not be dismissed as an internal matter .

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