10 Results for: (Concept:06208751-n)
60014 " The concept of a two-conservative-party system is not acceptable . A party that maintains peace and carries out democracy from the citizens ' perspective is required , " the party members and those related said .
60161 Although he is the president of the dominant ruling party , there is a prevailing view that it will be difficult for him to win the premiership .
60488 Here we have reproduced the scenes of the final games of Meijin tournaments following the seven-game match of the 36th tournament , from the point of view of someone witnessing the action and detailing " each rewarding move and game " .
61063 The Japan_Federation_of_Bar_Associations too is increasingly endorsing the view that delivery of opening statements by judicial apprentices is a deviation from accepted criminal proceedings and it intends to investigate , through local bar associations in Japan , how legal training is actually conducted , including the training method for pretrial hearings .
61068 As delivery of the opening statement by a judicial apprentice could pose a legal problem , we would like to clearly inform our view to all the parties concerned .
61173 While it was a zareuta ( witty poem ) that Mr._Amaya wrote while he was in charge of negotiations with the United_States at the Ministry_of_International_Trade and Industry , his true value lied in " Amaya 's view of history . "
61229 The job of an UN_Inspector is to review the operations and activities of the United_Nations_Headquarters and various UN bodies and , from a broad perspective , to provide suggestions for changes and reforms .
61239 " In order to pass muster in international society , first of all one must be good at communication . In pursuit of this , a minimum requirement is to acquire a mastery of foreign languages , especially English . Then it is desirable that one be able to look at things from a broad , global perspective , and to be able to associate with people in a natural manner . "
61263 It should be possible to look at things from other people 's perspective and , with a " sharing heart and mind , " to associate in a natural manner with the rest of the world 's people .
61266 Surely what is being required of us is to think about things from a broad , global perspective , and to search for ways of living that are suitable for us as " global citizens . "

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