10 Results for: (Concept:06197215-n)
11476 The lady 's allusions to her past , and her refusal to take her husband into her confidence , both pointed in that direction .
18919 It was characteristic of the man that the direction was as precise , and the writing as firm and clear , as though it had been written in his study .
45732 ' The probability lies in that direction .
47517 So I reasoned with myself in the morning , and I tell you the direction of my suspicions , however much the result may have shown that they were unfounded .
60072 That will be the direction of the structural change of politics , the economy , and administration that Japan is now confronted with .
61317 The altered historical perception brought around by the growth of South_Korea and the restored confidence among its people has been leading Japan-ROK relations to a more desirable direction .
61441 It is hoped that this year will see the prospect of a new direction for Japan to face up to the 21st century in light of the post Cold_War and the bursting of the asset-inflated bubble , but the Japanese political world continues to be in limbo .
61458 Additionally , while the timing is unknown , the current political state seems to point to the direction where there is a strong possibility that the first general election based on the new electoral system will be held .
61574 This will also be the preferred direction for patients who have been attended by doctors-in-training .
103929 The Singapore of today is very different from the Singapore of 10 years ago ; so sometimes when you see a certain trend or direction that society is moving towards , you have to capture that .

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