5 Results for: (Concept:05159225-n)
18581 On the strength of it , he won the Mathematical Chair at one of our smaller Universities , and had , to all appearance , a most brilliant career before him .
61791 Teachers and parents should find and nurture each child 's strengths and uniqueness , instead of renouncing him or her .
100757 For starters , Executive_Chef_Emmanuel_Stroobant makes divine foie gras , which is the house specialty .
101555 Having been around since 1992 , Hua_Ting is a Cantonese institution that is well- recognised for its exquisite ethnic cuisine and other provincial specialties .
101924 Some of the specialities here include the Rendang , filled with chunks of tender beef coated with spices such as Kaffir lime and turmeric leaves , the Bergedil , freshly fried and made using potatoes from Holland , and the Chicken_Korma , with its creamy gravy of green chilli and turmeric .

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