10 Results for: (Concept:02708420-v)
10369 Finally he walked over to the bed and spent some time in staring at it and in running his eye up and down the wall .
10426 " In the first place , both my friend and I must spend the night in your room . "
60180 The mountain-dwelling Mon people of this small village commanding a view of the mountains of the Laotian border spend their first day of January 1995 , in drinking celebrations .
60367 They spend it exchanging information and recent news , forming groups in parks , sidewalks , and at the corners of office buildings .
60564 My family spent the New_Year day at a hotel .
60732 Yoshiharu_Sekino , an explorer aiming to trace mankind 's 50,000-kilometer Great_Journey , and his wife Reiko spent their honeymoon at the ruins of Peru_'s_Machu_Picchu .
60745 About ten of the club members spent two years constructing a hot-air balloon with a diameter of approximately 15_meters , then launched it from an open field in Ibaraki prefecture .
60751 Even after they were married , Sekino continued to spend a total of over six months of the year in South_America .
61045 I spent one night at a village on the border .
61645 It is , as they say , sankin kotai , or the " alternate attendance " system which required all daimyo ( lords ) to spend alternate years in Edo , the capital of old Japan .

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