10 Results for: (Concept:02629535-v)
11218 The moment that Hilton Cubitt 's broad back had disappeared through the door my comrade rushed to the table , laid out all the slips of paper containing dancing men in front of him , and threw himself into an intricate and elaborate calculation .
11457 It occurred to me that if these appeals came , as I expected , from someone who had been intimate with the lady in her early life , a combination which contained two E 's with three letters between might very well stand for the name ' ELSIE . '
11599 It contained no word , but this little line of dancing men :
60122 The Information_Summit was privately suggested by South_Korean_President_Kim_Young-sam at the unofficial APEC summit meeting in Indonesia in December 1994 , but it was neither published nor contained in the Bogor declaration , which was released after the meeting ended .
60305 His designs resemble life sketches turned into patterns and incorporate motifs such as grass , fish and shellfish with a benevolent or humorous touch , all perceived by his keen eye .
60306 I expect his future work to incorporate freer expression uniting shape with design , while I would like to seem him move away from oddly conventional shapes .
60649 They aim to select and back up an joint candidate , within the framework of the current ruling party of the assembly led by Suzuki , establishing another " liaison council " comprising Secretary-Generals of six factions , including the LDP , JSP , Komeito , DSP , and the NFP .
60681 Concerning the murder case of Mari_Uehara , the eldest daughter of Atsushi_Uehara , a company employee from Anesaki , Ichihara_of_Chiba , the ad hoc task force comprising the homicide section of Chiba_Prefectural_Police and the Ichihara_Police_Station arrested on the evening of December 31 Toru_Uehara , a bookseller and Mari 's uncle and cohabiter , on charges of her murder and abandonment of her body , following the preceding arrest on suspicion of kidnapping her , a minor , on the previous day .
61149 The banning of door-to-door canvassing that had been incorporated into that law at the time still continues to exist today .
61508 The policy outline incorporates the promotion of transferring authority from the central government to the local governments , the enhancement of the local fiscal base and other concerned matters in addition to the clear indication that the legislative bill to promote decentralization will be tabled during the regular Diet session .

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