9 Results for: (Concept:02623529-v)
10227 " What becomes , then , of these nocturnal whistles , and what of the very peculiar words of the dying woman ? "
10538 Then suddenly another sound became audible -- a very gentle , soothing sound , like that of a small jet of steam escaping continually from a kettle .
11468 Now it becomes : AM HERE A.E SLANE .
61346 While the membership of rich neutral countries will be an asset to the EU , the accession of Central and Eastern_European nations , which are in the midst of the transition period towards a market economy system , would become an enormous financial burden on the EU .
61381 Delayed court cases accelerate people 's detachment from the law and , furthermore , it will become a significant obstacle to safeguard " the right of access to court . "
61437 Will the political change this time around mean the beginning of new disarray , or become labor pains leading to genuine political reform ?
61783 As of next school year , the Ministry_of_Education will investigate the actual situation of after-school athletic activities at junior high and high schools and discuss what are the desirable ways for those activities to exist , but it is our hope that club activities will become an opportunity to develop skills in a sport that can be enjoyed throughout one 's lifetime .
61808 As well , we are likely to hear the arguments that the tax breaks will result in lower tax revenue or will become a breeding ground for tax evasion .
102933 Also , her strategic location in the region has enabled her to become a central sea port along major shipping routes .

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