10 Results for: (Concept:02128873-v)
60579 When traveling abroad , we find a kimono very useful at a party .
60659 Tsutsui says , " Under current circumstances , there is no possibility that I would resume writing , " and " Well , I will have no alternative but to act . Please see how good an actor I will be in 1995 . "
60819 Attention may focus on how far the women can advance in fierce competition demanding strength and stamina , but conversely it will be interesting to see if an object can really be made that will allow women to win over the men 's greater physical might .
60929 It will be interesting to see whether this challenge from a group of science and technology experts can add another element to the America_'s_Cup on top of science and crew ability .
61147 Another thing is that this election law had an important aspect that one might say was the source that created the distortion as we see today .
61167 It will be another matter if we just give up and see no other way but to continue to depend on bureaucracy .
61190 While Japan is finally on the road to recovery , it is inevitable to see uncertainty down the road for Japan 's economy .
61219 If links are made with certain segments of the bureaucracy and Diet members who are beholden to special interests , one could see a rebuilding of " special interest triangles " involving politicians , bureaucrats , and business elements .
61247 As part of the effort to cultivate more kokusaijin , we need to see more initiatives , with cooperation from both governmental and private sectors , to increase the numbers of Japanese international civil servants .
61289 As they may have been waiting to see Europe 's specific demand on Japan and what the US would do first , there were no in-depth discussions at the meeting of the Accelerator_Science_Subcommittee_of_Academic_Committee_of_the_Science_Council in the Ministry_of_Education , and the experts who had direct dealings with accelerators approved of the participation among themselves .

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