10 Results for: (Concept:01767949-v)
10134 A vague feeling of impending misfortune impressed me .
13178 So moved was I that , even if it had been a difficult matter , ' I should have tried it ; but , of course , I knew well that Holmes loved his art so , that he was ever as ready to bring his aid as his client could be to receive it .
13489 ' Well , it would be absurd to deny that the case is a very abstruse and complicated one ; but I can promise you that I will look into the matter and let you know any points which may strike me . '
60299 The fiercely impassioned energy emanating from the performance was indelibly impressed on the audience .
60308 I am deeply moved to receive this esteemed award .
60323 I am deeply moved that my little work has been chosen for this authoritative award .
60651 Last October , Ishihara moved his resident registration from Kawasaki_City , Kanagawa , where his home is located , to Arakawa-ku , Tokyo , which impressed people as " a sign of his strong intention to run for the election , " but he returned the registration to Kawasaki last month .
60746 " More than feeling moved , I was tense , since I was the one who had made the designs . "
60867 He never realized his dream of capturing the Cup , an event which has been described as " pouring water into a bottomless pitcher , " but many people were moved by the millionaire 's romance with the sea .
104285 Peranakan cuisine is complex and requires a meticulous hand but this family restaurant impresses with traditional dishes such as the Nyonya ngoh hiang , assam prawns and Nyonya chap chye .

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