6 Results for: (Concept:01742726-v)
47645 He would withdraw all opposition upon his part if I would promise for three months to let the matter rest , and to be content with cultivating the lady 's friendship during that time without claiming her love .
49364 His first act was to establish himself as near to his ancestral home as he could , and his second was to cultivate a friendship with Sir Charles Baskerville and with the neighbours .
61252 It is becoming more and more important to develop NGOs , which are one major source for the supply of internationally minded people , into solid and reputable citizens ' organizations , in this way cultivating capable and promising kokusaijin .
61257 It is that among us Japanese an awareness of the need to cooperate with the rest of the world 's people for our common survival and prosperity has not yet been adequately cultivated .
61465 Furthermore , if the elections become " policy-free " and places priority on local interests , then the purpose of introducing the single seat constituency would be completely neglected and it will be abundantly clear that the people 's distrust and apathy towards politics will be further cultivated .
61466 It is necessary for each party to eliminate the scramble for power and party dissolution or formation without any definite view of its own , cultivate the ability to propose policies , and , as soon as possible , hammer out an original policy system that is logically coherent and , at the same time , different from that for other parties .

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