10 Results for: (Concept:01544692-v)
10187 Imagine , then , my thrill of terror when last night , as I lay awake , thinking over her terrible fate , I suddenly heard in the silence of the night the low whistle which had been the herald of her own death .
10559 Across his lap lay the short stock with the long lash which we had noticed during the day .
11337 Our first attention was given to the body of the unfortunate squire , whose huge frame lay stretched across the room .
13305 Someone , then , was in that room where my precious treaty lay upon the table .
18917 As I took it up a small square of paper , upon which it had lain , fluttered down on to the ground .
45948 No signs of violence were to be discovered upon Sir Charles 's person , and though the doctor 's evidence pointed to an almost incredible facial distortion - so great that Dr Mortimer refused at first to believe that it was indeed his friend and patient who lay before him - it was explained that that is a symptom which is not unusual in cases of dyspnoea and death from cardiac exhaustion .
46163 Several rolls of paper lay around him .
49322 A skeleton with a tangle of brown hair adhering to it lay among the débris .
56063 Sherlock Holmes was not very communicative during the long drive , and lay back in the cab humming the tunes which he had heard in the afternoon .
102772 Devotees often bring simple offerings of flowers , candles and joss-sticks to lay at the feet of their spiritual teacher .

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