10 Results for: (Concept:01450178-a)
60684 Around 7:30 a.m. , December 31 , Yusuke_Takei , a company worker from Shimizu 1-chome , Suginami-ku , Tokyo , and Toyota_Okada , a wood shop manager from Kamikurata-cho , Totsuka , Yokohama_of_Kanagawa , slipped and fell into a stream while climbing Mt._Kai_Komaga-take in Yamanashi_Prefecture around four-fifths of the way to the peak ; Takei is still missing .
61607 The " Missing Dog_Lover_Case " in Saitama_Prefecture is starting to reveal a shocking dimension .
61609 At present , it is suspected that the corpse of a missing company executive was incinerated and abandoned , and an investigation is underway to search for corroborating evidence .
61611 In this pet dealer 's circle , in addition to the company executive , three people including a housewife living in Saitama_Prefecture have also gone missing .
61866 There have been an incredible number of deaths , injured and missing persons .
61869 There are people devastated by grief over the death of their families , those who are worrying about relatives who are missing , those standing helplessly before their homes in flames ......
61874 However , for the time being , we hope that the government will focus its effort on searching for missing persons and assisting the disaster victims , with saving lives being the top priority .
61879 Although it has been reported that missing persons are trapped under the rubble , they have yet to be rescued .
61922 The safety of the staggering number of missing persons has not been fully confirmed and the rescue work for those buried alive under the rubble has been underway .
62042 Alongside the rescue operation for missing persons , restoration efforts have started to move forward in the devastated areas of the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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