9 Results for: (Concept:01232684-n)
48158 The more formal we made the visit the less information we might obtain .
50980 ' The facts are briefly these : Some five years ago , during a lengthy visit to Warsaw , I made the acquaintance of the well- known adventuress Irene Adler .
60264 Though this is the US secretary of transportation 's first visit to Taiwan based on the Clinton_Administration 's new policy toward Taiwan which approves of exchanges of economic ministers , Mr._Pena was very quick to get right down to business .
60268 Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most .
60268 Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most .
61644 At the press conference held just before greeting the prime minister , Mr._Winston_Lord , the Assistant_Secretary_of_State , put Mr._Murayama 's visit as " a Japanese tradition where the prime minister pays a visit to Washington , DC at the earliest opportunity after taking office . "
61644 At the press conference held just before greeting the prime minister , Mr._Winston_Lord , the Assistant_Secretary_of_State , put Mr._Murayama 's visit as " a Japanese tradition where the prime minister pays a visit to Washington , DC at the earliest opportunity after taking office . "
61646 In light of Mr._Lord 's perspective , it can be said that the US never expected a " creative " visit from the Prime_Minister .
61660 We are unimpressed with the prime minister who does whatever he is told , but what made the bureaucrats at the Foreign_Ministry so insistent about the visit ?

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