10 Results for: (Concept:01232091-n)
60001 He also responded negatively to the possibility of dissolution of the House_of_Representatives and general elections before the end of 1995 , and clearly denied a cabinet reshuffle would take place prior to the ordinary Diet session scheduled to be convened on the 20th .
61499 During the regular Diet session scheduled to convene in the end of this month , the government is expected to table the legislative bill to promote decentralization .
61508 The policy outline incorporates the promotion of transferring authority from the central government to the local governments , the enhancement of the local fiscal base and other concerned matters in addition to the clear indication that the legislative bill to promote decentralization will be tabled during the regular Diet session .
61512 At present , it is expected that this bill will be proposed at the Diet by mid February , and the Chief_Cabinet_Secretary , Kozo_Igarashi , stated in an interview with the Mainichi_Newspapers that , " this bill will have to be enacted during the coming Diet session at any cost . "
61959 The regular Diet session will convene on the 20th .
61962 There will be the unified local elections during the current Diet session and elections for the House_of_Councillors will be held in July .
61964 The current session of the Diet can be positioned as the main stage where the ruling and opposition parties will clash head-on in anticipation of the decisive political battles of the " three major elections . "
61965 In opening the Diet session , we first want to ask the ruling and opposition parties , through debate , to clearly present to the nation such options as what criteria voters can look for to determine their voting in the " three major elections , " which in turn will determine the political trend for the latter half of the 1990s .
61977 In the case of a regular Diet session with upcoming elections , it has been a familiar practice where the government tends to hold back the bills that might cause pain to the people and draw up a lavish budget , and both the ruling and opposition parties tend to be preoccupied with advertising campaigns attempting to turn every argument to make themselves look good while avoiding actual debates .
62101 In the answering period immediately after the Diet began its session , Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama said : " For one thing , this is my first ever experience . "

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