8 Results for: (Concept:00881649-n)
49011 It is endorsed `` Mr and Mrs Vandeleur '' , but you will have no difficulty in recognising him , and her also , if you know her by sight .
60571 From his point of view , the New_Year meant celebrating the day at home .
101804 The perfect destination to enjoy the sun , sand and sea , TBC is modelled after a 1950s beach resort , and comes complete with a pool boasting panoramic views , two bars , a restaurant and plenty of chill-out and event space .
102310 In addition to the musical segment , there are also three coves where you can view images of Singapore landscapes , designs and food culture .
102536 The clanging wok and sweet-smelling hot air wafting from it gives it a heady , sensuous dimension of sight , smell and sound ; and that 's even before you 've taken a bite !
102944 You can also embark on a heritage trail and enjoy the sights and sounds at various cultural precincts , notably Chinatown , Little_India and Kampong_Glam .
103099 Dine alfresco and enjoy panoramic views of the South_China_Sea , the Tanjong golf course and on most evenings , stunning sunsets .
103132 During this time , the streets of the city come alive with the sounds of traditional music , the sights of hanging red lanterns and the tantalising smells wafting from the many night stalls set-up in various neighbourhoods throughout Singapore .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>