7 Results for: (Concept:00842199-a)
47386 There is strong reason now to believe that he has got right away , which is a considerable relief to the lonely householders of this district .
47563 They were walking slowly along in deep conversation , and I saw her making quick little movements of her hands as if she were very earnest in what she was saying , while he listened intently , and once or twice shook his head in strong dissent .
49403 Both of the women concerned in the case , Mrs Stapleton and Mrs Laura Lyons , were left with a strong suspicion against Stapleton .
60651 Last October , Ishihara moved his resident registration from Kawasaki_City , Kanagawa , where his home is located , to Arakawa-ku , Tokyo , which impressed people as " a sign of his strong intention to run for the election , " but he returned the registration to Kawasaki last month .
61154 Conversely , if people demonstrate the strong will to directly control politics and politicians and venture on governing national politics by themselves , we believe that the new system will be effective enough to restore politics .
61852 While being questioned about the strong suggestion that the LDP was playing party politics to get cozy with fellow coalition parties such as the Social_Democratic_Party and Sakigake , we applauded the LDP decision to attempt to clearly define the opposite views while the political reorganization without opposite views is in progress .
61963 Additionally , though the timing has yet to be decided , there is the strong likelihood that the first general election may be held under the new electoral system in view of the current political climate .

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