7 Results for: (Concept:00841934-a)
60053 Now , we are entering an era when we need a drastic reform , as we did just after the war .
61166 However , will it be possible for these visions to become reality without taking drastic steps such as going back to the drawing board and selecting the people 's " representatives " for a start ?
61495 For this reason a drastic reform , not just a cosmetic patchwork , is desired .
61548 Meanwhile , the Ministry_of_Education should amend this restrictive five-day school system and tackle the drastic revision of the educational guidelines towards a complete five-day school system .
61691 Drastic deregulations should be carried out .
61916 Now , after the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , a drastic review of this study is called for .
62061 Only the supplementary budget is on their agenda and drastic measures such as making revisions to the 1995 annual budget proposal brought up in the Diet , modifications to annual expenditures , and other concerned items do not appear to be in the scope .

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