10 Results for: (Concept:00597915-v)
60188 Elders say , " We learned as we threw up when young . "
60585 You can have more opportunities to introduce Japan 's traditions in a foreign country if you do not consider kimono-dressing difficult and you learn how to it by yourself from a person who can dress you in it , so that you can dress yourself in it abroad .
61239 " In order to pass muster in international society , first of all one must be good at communication . In pursuit of this , a minimum requirement is to acquire a mastery of foreign languages , especially English . Then it is desirable that one be able to look at things from a broad , global perspective , and to be able to associate with people in a natural manner . "
61258 I should like to see us have the humility needed to " learn diversity , " and the tolerance and magnanimity needed to accept differences and diversity .
61536 The Guidelines_for_the_Course_of_Study are asking children to learn through a diverse range of experiences .
61863 If what it learned was just the gratefulness of being in power , it is obvious that arrogance and corruption will be cropping up like mushrooms again .
61903 While the government sent a group of researchers to the US and prepared a report in February , it concluded that , " there is no lesson to be learned and the structures in Japan are safe , " pointing out that America has weak standards .
61919 We must learn a great deal through all that work being accomplished .
61960 The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake .
62002 We hope that they will learn a great deal from there .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>