5 Results for: (Concept:00039297-n)
13208 You see , at the commencement of an investigation , it is something to know that your client is in close contact with someone who for good or evil has an exceptional nature .
45921 Though Sir Charles had resided at Baskerville Hall for a comparatively short period his amiability of character and extreme , generosity had won the affection and respect of all who had been brought into contact with him .
46128 ' You put the matter more flippantly , Mr Holmes , than you would probably do if you were brought into personal contact with these things .
60103 It is reported that as Kubo had frequent contacts with Masayoshi_Takemura , Representative_of_Sakigake , aiming at their participation , Takemura came to be interested in cooperation with them , but it is also reported that members of Sakigake resist taking risks , because they consider that " social democracy is different from conservative liberalism . "
61059 According to Christian_Daniels , Assistant_Professor at the Research_Institute_for_Languages and Cultures_of_Asia and Africa at the Tokyo_University_of_Foreign_Studies , " While it is certain that minority ethnic groups are gradually losing their traditions , they have proudly maintained their traditions while coming into contact with foreign cultures . I believe they are searching for a new identity different from their old ways . "

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