4 Results for: (Concept:15296354-n)
11056 目前 无力 酬劳 帮助 以内 即将 结婚 那时 支配 自己 收入 至少 可以 发现 忘恩负义

I 'll begin at the time of my marriage last year , but I want to say first of all that , though I 'm not a rich man , my people have been at Riding Thorpe for a matter of five centuries , and there is no better known family in the County of Norfolk . (eng)

61514 因为 决定 大纲 方针 过程 中央省 之间 产生 对立 遇到 议员 抵抗 结果 内容 当初 构想 后退

During the process prior to reaching the decision , the substance of the policy outline had already been set back from the original concept due to the conflicts among the central government offices and the opposition from the parliamentarians representing special interest groups . (eng)

102007 津津乐道 城市 户外 攀岩 挑战 经验丰富 登山 爱好者 应该 奶牛场 废弃 花岗岩 尝试 一下 到时 一定 采取 全面 安全措施

Seasoned climbing enthusiasts who relish the challenges of outdoor urban climbing should attempt the granite walls of a disused quarry in Dairy_Farm , but do take extensive safety precautions when you are there . (eng)

102485 当初 新加坡 舞剧 只是 简陋 剧团 7 芭蕾舞 只能 基里尼 工作室 排练 如今 剧团 已经 发展 得到 多方 赞助 表演 艺术 团体 拥有 24 来自 亚太 地区 顶尖 舞者

From a humble troupe of seven ballet dancers practising in an old studio on Killiney_Road , the Singapore_Dance_Theatre has evolved into a well- patronised performing arts group comprising 24 dancers pre-dominantly from the Asia_Pacific region . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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