6 Results for: (Concept:15256714-n)
60798 比赛 初战 10 获胜 自由 第四 回合 比赛 结束 领先

The Liberty won the first race by 1 minute 10_seconds and had a 3-1 lead overall , needing four wins for the victory . (eng)

60799 但是 回合 连续 称霸 奇迹 发生

With only one more win to go a miracle occurred . (eng)

60799 但是 回合 连续 称霸 奇迹 发生

With only one more win to go a miracle occurred . (eng)

60800 领先 康纳 疏忽 大意 导致 致命 错误 柏兰特 侥幸 第五 回合

Bertrand picked up the 5th race as carelessness proved fatal for Conner , who had been in the lead . (eng)

60801 第六 回合 比赛 柏兰特 巧妙 利用 吹动 成绩 拉成 平局 最后 41 获胜

Bertrand tied the competition in the sixth race by deftly maneuvering the wind , and then won the last race by a mere 41_seconds . (eng)

60882 虽然 路易・威登杯 一样 进行 R1 R4 循环赛 但是 不同 回合 循环赛 出场

In the Louis_Vuitton_Cup there are also four round robin races , the difference being that in one race each yacht must race three times . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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