10 Results for: (Concept:13942875-n)
60076 政治 依然 混乱 情况 迎来

We have seen a new year in with the politics remain confused . (eng)

60099 [ 民主 联盟 放弃 独自 建立 新党 筹备会 方针 保亘 总书记 执行部 可能 发生 分裂 情况 控制 局势 十分 艰难

Since " the New_Democratic_League " has not changed their policy to start a preparatory committee for their own new party this month , the executive members including Wataru_Kubo , General_Secretary_of_the_SPJ , will be forced to effectively manage the party in the difficult situation in which the party may split . (eng)

60175 警告 加盟 北约 没有 加盟 东欧 国家 之间 垂下 帷幕 反驳 北约 扩充 没有 战略 政治 合理性 警告 一下 俄罗斯 周边 国家 采取 侵略 态度 情况 扩充 足够 意见

Dr._Brown also warned , " Another curtain will be drawn , between the East_European countries that join NATO and those that do not , " and opposed Mr._Kissinger'opinion saying , " NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics , and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors , we will expand . " (eng)

60275 美国 西雅图 召开 日美 经济 协商 包括 金融 服务 领域 在内 三十日 具体 内容 没有 达成 协议 情况 结束 日程 最后 结论 留待 明年

The financial services negotiations of the Japan-US_Framework_for_New_Economic_Partnership in Seattle closed on the 30th with specifics undecided , carrying the end result over to new year 's meeting . (eng)

60339 九十年代 香港 移民 以前 移民 情况 不同

The Hong_Kong immigrants arriving in the ' 90s , however , are considerably different from past immigrants . (eng)

60540 情况 无论 如何 无法 继续 进行 比赛 便 和歌山县 高野山 进行 比赛 结果 岩本 得到 本因坊 薰和 称号

With circumstances like this , the match was out of everyone 's control and a three-game match was held on Mount_Koya in Wakayama prefecture , with Iwamoto earning the title Honinbo_Kunwa . (eng)

60542 挑战者 担负 [ 日本 棋院 期待 坂田荣男 情况 竟然 连输 桥本 卫冕 成功

The hopes of the Japan_Go_Association rested on the challenger Eio_Sakata , who after winning three and losing one went on to lose three straight , allowing Hashimoto to defend his title . (eng)

60552 形势 具有 超群 判断 能力 甚至 拥有 计算机 外号 石田芳夫 林海峰 显身手 受到 触动 棋手 之一

Yoshio_Ishida , who earned the nickname " the computer " for his remarkable ability to judge game situations , was inspired by Rin 's performances . (eng)

60610 男子 可以 稳进 团体 十二 能否 摘取 奖牌 形势 微妙

In the men 's division , Japan should place within the 12-country margin of safety in the team competition , but whether they can finish with a medal is hard to predict . (eng)

60640 围绕 今春 东京都 知事 选举 候选人 问题 局势 明朗 情况 年关

The New_Year has come while the selection of candidates for the gubernatorial election of Tokyo slated for this spring remains confused . (eng)

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