4 Results for: (Concept:13315999-n)
60244 [ 世界 贸易 组织 统一 规则 监督 包括 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 体制 一直 除外 农业 服务 行业 知识 产权 领域 在内 全部 贸易

It monitors trade as a whole under a unified rule , including areas such as agriculture , service and intellectual property right , which were excluded under the GATT. (eng)

60246 WTO 第一 多边 贸易 提供 稳定 安全 基础 组织 必须 继续 保持 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 体制 信任感 建立 充分 发挥 机能 贸易 体系

" The WTO is the first organization which provides the basis for the stability and security of multinational trade . We must establish a trade system which works satisfactorily without squandering the trust in the GATT system . " (eng)

60247 秘书长 萨瑟兰 更换 日内瓦 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 总部 正门 牌子 强调 历史性 瞬间

Director-General Peter_Southerland emphasized this is " a historic moment , " carrying off the GATT sign to the entrance hall of the GATT headquarters in Geneva . (eng)

60248 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 秘书处 截止到 三十日 日本 美国 欧洲 联盟 八十 国家 提出 WTO 协定 承诺书 完成 WTO 加盟 工作

The GATT secretariat says 80 countries , such as Japan , the US and the EU countries have completed by December 30 the procedure for WTO membership by depositing instruments of acceptance of the WTO rules . (eng)

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