4 Results for: (Concept:09328904-n)
100399 其中 烹饪 出色 餐厅 招牌 海鲜 餐馆 No Signboard Seafood Restaurant 珍宝 海鲜 Jumbo Seafood 以及 海岸 人工 美食 海鲜 餐馆 Long Beach 餐馆 正好 位于 海岸 公园 海滩

Some of the best places to lap up this stunning creation include No_Signboard_Seafood_Restaurant , Jumbo_Seafood and Long_Beach_Seafood at the East_Coast_Lagoon_Food_Village which sits right by the beach at East_Coast_Park . (eng)

100765 海岸 人工 美食 众人 誉为 烧烤 海鲜 大本营

East Coast_Lagoon_Food_Village is considered by many to be the epicentre of barbecued seafood . (eng)

101403 可以 挥杆 击球 进入 Zoysia 一直 延伸 裕廊 Jurong Lake 球道

You can swing into widened fairways moulded with Zoysia grass running into the Jurong_Lake that provides a smooth playing surface . (eng)

102358 作为 新加坡 著名 马来 沙爹 不可 错过 美食 许多 熟食 餐馆 以及 美食 中心 —— 海岸 人工 美食 24 小时 营业 老巴刹 美食 中心 找到 专营 地道 沙爹 小摊

One of the most famous Malay dishes in Singapore , satay is a must-try , and is served at many hawkers , restaurants and food centres , including the East_Coast_Food_Lagoon and the famous 24-hour Lau_Pa_Sat_Festival_Market , where no less than a dozen stalls selling only satay hold fort . (eng)

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