10 Results for: (Concept:08238463-n)
60568 松枝 去掉 不久 当时 小学 年级 儿子 突然

A while after the New_Year week , our second son in the third grade of elementary school then , said , ... (eng)

60692 横滨市 中学 年级 男生 十二月 二十六日 [ 东京站 离开 之后 便 下落不明 然而 [ 岐阜县 警察厅 大垣 警署 三十一日 逗留 大垣市 旅馆 当事人 进行 看护 在一起 固定 住所 自称 经营 私塾 坂秀典 嫌疑犯 诱拐 未成年人 嫌疑 进行 逮捕

On December 31 , Ogaki_Police_Station_of_the_Gifu_Prefectural_Police took into protective custody a boy in the first grade of junior high school , who had been missing since he left home in Yokohama on December 26 , saying , " I 'm going to Tokyo_Station " ; the Police also arrested Hidenori_Nagasaka , of no fixed address and claiming to be a private school manager , who was found together with the boy in a hotel in Ogaki , on suspicion of kidnapping him , a minor . (eng)

60726 现在 他们 男孩 中学 年级

They have three boys , with the oldest currently in eighth grade . (eng)

61543 例如 小学 年级 国语 课时 306 学时 上课 时数 850 学时 这样 学年 指定 学科 道德 特殊 活动 上课 时数 上课 时数

For example , the number of hours of instruction is specified per grade for each subject , moral education , and special activities , with 306 being the hours for Japanese and 850 the total number of hours of instructions for the first grade . (eng)

61767 自杀 原因 受到 欺凌 遭遇 孩子 不同 相同 不过 前些天 查明 大阪 羽曳野市 年级 女生 自杀 因为 受到 垒球部 顾问 教师 严厉 指导 所致

While the reason for suicide varies depending on the case including bullying , in the recently revealed case of a girl in the eighth-grade in Habikino_City , Osaka , the reason for suicide was the heavy-handed training by the coach for the school softball team . (eng)

61777 1985年 岐阜 县立 高中 年级 女子 田径 队员 成绩 原因 脸上 标枪 打出 道子 留下 无路可走 遗书 自杀

In 1985 , after having been beaten with a javelin until she had welts on her face because of her " poor performance , " an_eleventh grader at a public high school in Gifu_Prefecture and a member of the girls ' track and field team committed suicide , leaving a suicide note saying , " I have no other way out . " (eng)

101326 如果 厌倦 跑步 疯狂 奔跑 那么 可以 参加 泰拳 Muay Thai 卡泼卫勒 严谨 巴西 武术 舞蹈 普拉提 Pilates 类似 瑜伽 运动 瑜伽 加强 自己 重点 部位 肌肉

If you are bored of maniacally running on the treadmill , then you can attend Muay_Thai ( Thai Kickboxing ) classes , capoeira ( a rigorous Brazilian martial art ) , Pilates and yoga to strengthen your core muscles . dance (eng)

101327 新加坡 不乏 提供 短期 培训 各种 设施

There is no shortage of establishments offering short classes . (eng)

102096 漫步 参观 香料 之后 返回 香阳 环球 厨师 学院 致力 推动 亚洲 美食 烹饪 技能 烹饪 中心 那里 可以 参加 烹饪 学习 深受 马来 华人 影响 土生 华人 烹饪 技巧 汲取 其中 精髓

Have a stroll through the Spice Garden before heading back to the At-Sunrice academy (a culinary centre dedicated to promoting pan-Asian cuisine and culinary skills), where you can join a cooking class to learn the intricacies of Peranakan cooking, influenced by techniques adopted from Malay and Chinese kitchens. (eng)

102560 活动 2007 IMG 艺术家 创办 丰富多彩 内容 备受 当地 游客 喜爱 绘画 研习 户外 公开 电影 芬芳 植物

Now into its fourth year in Singapore , the Singapore_Sun_Festival 2010 celebrates the " Art of Living_Well " with the best of music , art , wine , cuisine and wellness . (eng)

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