10 Results for: (Concept:02625016-v)
204 Linux 可以 出现 重大 缺陷 时候 用户 提供 选择 选用 稳定 版本 冒险 体验 实验版

337 而且 惟一 可能 出现 邮件 丢失 情况 没有

339 SMTP 转发 出现

60062 银行 证券 生命 损害 保险 金融 机构 指出 股票 市场 突然 日本 消失 恶梦 出现 政府 [ 日本 银行 担心 为了 维持 金融 秩序 设立 [ 信用 组合 救济 银行 内阁 成员 谴责 税金 救济 那些 泡沫 经济 时期 大兴其道 道德 败坏 金融 机构 如果 这样 国家 性质 犯罪

" We imagine a terrible future in which one day the stock market suddenly disappears from Japan , " claimed financial institutions such as banks , security companies , insurance companies , and non-life insurance companies , and concerning the relief bank for credit unions that the government and the Bank_of_Japan established in the name of " maintenance of financial system order , " they are fearing that " using taxes for relieving ' bad ' financial institutions that lost sight of their responsibility in the bubble economy is being criticized by Cabinet members , because it may cause serious problems in case of failure . If this is the case , this will be a national-level crime . " (eng)

60172 指出 如果 北约 波兰 匈牙利 东欧 四国 加盟 德国 俄罗斯 之间 出现 真空 地带 出于 各自 安全 保障 理由 极力 填补 真空 地带 结果 对立 进一步 加深

The former Secretary_of_State commented in the essay , " Unless NATO expands to embrace the four East_European countries including Poland and Hungary , a vacant area will be formed between Germany and Russia , which will lead to severer confrontation between the two , due to each country 's moves to occupy this area for security reasons . " (eng)

60368 她们 作为 顾客 摊子 出现 可以 买到 塔加路语 信息 杂志

Outdoor stalls catering to these women have sprouted up , as well as an informational paper in Tagalog . (eng)

60408 出现 一些 雇主 移民 解雇 雇主 一起 加拿大 事例

There are also cases where employment has been terminated because the employer is moving overseas , or where the maid has moved with the employer to Canada . (eng)

60541 此后 桥本 夺回 但是 由于 桥本 挂帅 [ 关西 棋院 独立 因此 本因坊 比赛 形成 东西 对抗 局面

Hashimoto later recaptured the title , but after he became the head of the Kansai_Kiin go association and it became independent , the Honinbo tournament assumed the dimension of an East / West battle . (eng)

60637 年初 日本 附近 冬季 气压 分布 状况 增强 伴随 冷空气 侵入 可能 形成 海上 山区 区域 中心 风暴 天气

On New_Years days , a wintry pressure pattern gains force around Japan , bringing severe cold and rough weather especially in the mountains and the sea on the archipelago . (eng)

60638 气象厅 预报 关东 南海 上空 东北 东侧 移动 气压 来势 凶猛 形成 冬季 气压 分布 状况 并且 来自 西伯利亚 摄氏 零下 三十六 以下 寒流 侵入 日本 上空

The Meteorological_Agency has announced that the low pressure on its way from the south off the Kanto region to east-northeast will grow powerfully to form a strong wintry pressure pattern , and a cold air mass of below 36 degrees Centigrade -- below the freezing point -- will flow into northern Japan from Siberia . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>