6 Results for: (Concept:02602212-v)
60173 进而 主张 北约 尽快 加盟 同时 俄罗斯 签订 条约 明确 定下 外国 军队 驻扎 加盟国 缓和 俄罗斯 戒心

He then appealed for immediate admission of the four nations to NATO , along with concluding a treaty with Russia , clarifying that foreign armies will not be stationed in the four new NATO members to make Russia feel at ease . (eng)

61215 政府 决定 今年 三月 之前 制定 推进 缓和 限制 计划

The government has said that before March of this year it will prepare a " 5-year plan for promoting the loosening of regulations . " (eng)

61218 仅仅 口头 空喊 缓和 限制 时代 如果 步入 具体化 阶段 行业 表现 反对 消极 态度

If we reach the stage where the " loosening of regulations " is no longer just a slogan but is entering a stage of specific action , there will be more examples in the business world of parties who show a passive attitude or even outright opposition . (eng)

61221 通过 实现 缓和 限制 争取 实现 贯彻 自我 负责 原则 经济 社会

By putting deregulation measures into practice , we will advance toward an " economic society " that is imbued with the principle of self-responsibility . (eng)

61223 中内 大荣 社长 会长 表示 担心 缓和 限制 昙花一现

Nakauchi_Isao , President and CEO_of_the_Daiei company , has expressed his concern by saying : " It will not do to let deregulation become just a temporary fashion . " (eng)

61226 缓和 限制 战后 世纪 日本 经济 来说 什么

What has the " loosening of regulations " mean for Japan 's economy at this juncture which marks a half-century since the end of the war ? (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>