4 Results for: (Concept:02449847-v)
60412 一九四四年 设立 香港 警察 招收 英领 印度 军队 退役 军人

When the Hong_Kong police were established in 1844 , discharged Indian military from the British territory were employed . (eng)

61123 由于 他们 中国 实践 [ 中国 政府 敦促 [ 北朝鲜 政府 接受 计划 神户 [ 朝鲜 总联 兵库县 总部 支持

The Chinese government also recommended the plan to Pyongyang , based on their past achievements in China , and the Hyogo office of the pro-Pyongyang General_Association_of_Korean_Residents in Japan , located in Kobe , joined the campaign as well . (eng)

61124 鉴于 北朝鲜 期间 社会党 有关 人士 探询 交流 活动 接纳 事宜 表现 积极 姿态 并且 开始 商讨 细节 问题

As North_Korea had also requested an exchange project of a JSP source at about the same time , the nation 's government is positive toward the acceptance of the plan , and is now working on the details . (eng)

61342 由于 冷战 终结 西欧 欧洲 共同体 发展 成为 欧洲 纳入 视野 欧盟

With the end of the Cold_War , the European_Community , made up of Western_European countries , developed into the EU that had the whole of Europe in its horizon . (eng)

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