10 Results for: (Concept:02110082-v)
60120 但是 美国 已往 主张 重视 发达 国家 所以 现在 美国 急切 要求 过于 明显 遭到 发展中 国家 强烈 批评

But the U.S. initiative so far only focused on developed nations , and its rush demands faced strong criticism from developing countries . (eng)

60203 破坏 受到 鞭挞 之刑 美国 少年 麦克・菲 压倒 英国 首相 梅杰 风云 人物 跃居

The top person of the year was an American boy named Michael_Fay , who suffered a flogging punishment for vandalizing a car , ahead all other " persons of the year , " including British_Premier_John_Major . (eng)

60381 一时间 出现 周边 办公楼 所有者 英资 企业 排斥 这些 女性 现象 遭到 歧视性 想法 批判 结束

At one time the British-affiliated companies that owned the surrounding buildings tried to have the women removed , but had to stop amid criticism of " discriminatory practices " . (eng)

60533 受到 一些 强烈 反对 加藤信 报纸 发表 围棋 论文 之后 比赛 创立 如此 原委

Some people were vehemently opposed to this system and Shin_Kato , 7th-level , published an essay entitled " Komi go is not go " in newspapers , so its introduction did meet with resistance . (eng)

60698 邮筒 大约 两千 贺年片 一千 普通 邮件 受到 火烧 水泡 损害

About 2,000 New_Year postcards and 1,000 items of ordinary mail in the post box were damaged from burning and soaking . (eng)

61212 如果 行业 处于 管理 状态 行业 诞生 竞争 受到 限制 环境 安逸

But from the point of view of some segments of the business world , it is comfortable to be under government control since this tends to mean there will be no new entrants in their business fields and thus competition will be limited . (eng)

61749 可以 墨西哥 货币 当局 防止 通货膨胀 货币 比索 维持 高于 现实 水平 外汇 政策 遭到 市场 强烈 反击

To keep inflation in check , the Mexican monetary authority developed a foreign exchange policy to maintain the benchmark for the peso to be higher than reality but was met by an aggressive counteroffensive from the market . (eng)

61767 自杀 原因 受到 欺凌 遭遇 孩子 不同 相同 不过 前些天 查明 大阪 羽曳野市 年级 女生 自杀 因为 受到 垒球部 顾问 教师 严厉 指导 所致

While the reason for suicide varies depending on the case including bullying , in the recently revealed case of a girl in the eighth-grade in Habikino_City , Osaka , the reason for suicide was the heavy-handed training by the coach for the school softball team . (eng)

61767 自杀 原因 受到 欺凌 遭遇 孩子 不同 相同 不过 前些天 查明 大阪 羽曳野市 年级 女生 自杀 因为 受到 垒球部 顾问 教师 严厉 指导 所致

While the reason for suicide varies depending on the case including bullying , in the recently revealed case of a girl in the eighth-grade in Habikino_City , Osaka , the reason for suicide was the heavy-handed training by the coach for the school softball team . (eng)

61900 预想 预测 来说 之所以 许多 受到 冲击 因为 不断 灌输 因为 地震 国家 所以 建筑物 防震 结构 世界 第一 安全 信赖 大大 动摇

If we comment on that prediction , what shocked many people was that after persistently hearing that " because there are so many earthquakes in this country , Japan has the best quake-resistant structures in the world , " their faith in their safety had been badly shaken . (eng)

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