10 Results for: (Concept:02006834-v)
60125 [ 总务厅 统计局 调查 表明 估计 猪年 出生 人数 一千零四十一万

According to the Statistics_Bureau , Management and Coordination_Agency , an estimated 10,410,000 Japanese were born in years of the boar . (eng)

60128 三十一日 厚生省 公布 一九九四年 人口 动态 统计 年度 推算 表明 一九九四年 出生 人口 一百二十三万五千 四万七千 二十一 出生 人口 转为 大幅度 增加

The annual number of births over 1994 turned out to be 1,235,000 , an increase of as many as 47,000 from the previous year , marking the first substantial increase in twenty-one years , according to the 1994 annual estimate of vital statistics issued by the Ministry_of_Health and Welfare on the 31st . (eng)

60639 日本 日本 日本海 以及 山区 周边 地带 可能 大雪 其中 降雪量 地区 预测 积雪 六十 八十 厘米

Heavy snowfall is expected along the Sea_of_Japan and in mountainous regions in northern and eastern Japan , with predicted snow cover of 60 to 80_centimeters at the maximum . (eng)

60670 成田 新年 参拜 人数 3500

The Naritasan temple saw 3,500 people paying on the first visit of the year . (eng)

61072 法务省 截止到 九三年 年底 日本 国内 外国人 登记 人数 一百三十二万零七百四十八

According to the Ministry_of_Justice , registered foreign residents in Japan number 1,320,748 as of the end of 1993 . (eng)

61280 美国 超级 超导 对撞机 建设费 1兆 日元 美国 日本 要求 2000亿 日元 资金 合作

In the case of the American_SSC , the construction cost had reached one trillion yen , and the US sought a financial assistance of 200_billion_yen from Japan . (eng)

61366 据说 包括 塔巴索斯河 内格罗河 支流 在内 2000 淘金 废弃 总量 1800 2000

The amount of mercury dumped in the water , including tributaries such as the Tapajos_River and Negro_River , at approximately 2,000 sites where gold has been collected is said to be anywhere between 1,800 and 2,000_tons . (eng)

61636 刑事 犯罪 件数 前年 243万余 创下 最坏 纪录

The number of criminal offences in the year before last was over 2.43_million , the highest on record . (eng)

61913 根据 预想 死者 9400 伤者 14万

According to the study , the anticipated numbers would reach 9,400 deaths and 140,000 injured in Tokyo . (eng)

100291 佛牙寺 龙华院 博物馆 位于 牛车水 中心 地区 展现 新加坡 宗教 艺术 文化 方方面面 仍然 焕发 生机 文物 古迹 供奉 佛教徒 圣物 —— 佛牙 舍利 置于 信徒 捐资 打造 320 千克 舍利塔 之中

It also houses what Buddhist leaders regard as the Sacred_Buddha_Tooth_Relic in a stupa composed of 320kg of gold donated by devotees . (eng) The Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple_&_Museum is a living cultural monument in the heart of Chinatown featuring exhibitions relating to various facets of religious arts and culture of Singapore . (eng)

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