10 Results for: (Concept:00101051-r)
417 多用途 语言 差得 描述 问题 简单

10118 但是 我们 那儿 好几 牲口 地方 那里 农民 经常 外人 住宿

" Pray be precise as to details , " said he . (eng)

11570 据说 喊声 甚至 教区 人们 熟睡 惊醒

I lived in that farm , where I had a room down below , and could get in and out every night , and no one the wiser . (eng)

11570 据说 喊声 甚至 教区 人们 熟睡 惊醒

I lived in that farm , where I had a room down below , and could get in and out every night , and no one the wiser . (eng)

61055 城市 五十 公里 傣族 村子 里面 原来 独特 高吊式 房屋 改建 现代 砖瓦 结构

Even at a Tai ethnic village 50_kilometers away , people are remodeling houses in modern brick from their unique stilt-house style . (eng)

100438 这里 值得 推荐 莫过于 露天 餐饮 时尚 人们 古雅 天地 之间 相逢 就是 克拉克 码头 丹戎 巴葛 众多 俱乐部

Dining alfresco is highly recommended here , and you may meet with the trendy crowds that frequent this quaint eating spot before hitting the clubs nearby at Clarke_Quay and Tanjong_Pagar . (eng)

100607 新加坡 美食 不止 这些

And that 's far from all . (eng)

101396 加东 分布 许多 咖啡馆 老式 咖啡店 Chin Mee Chin 一流 餐馆 Sin Hoi Sai Five Star Hainanese Chicken Rice 商铺 相距 步行 即可 依次 所有 美味

Katong also has numerous cafés and old-world coffeeshops like Chin_Mee_Chin and excellent culinary fixtures such as Sin_Hoi_Sai coffeeshop and Five_Star_Hainanese_Chicken_Rice , all within a short walking distance of one another . (eng)

102315 印度 煎饼 新加坡 几乎 无处不在 下榻 酒店 一定 能够 找到 售卖 印度 煎饼 小摊

The roti prata is ubiquitous throughout Singapore, and chances are that you’ll find a prata stall a stone’s throw away from your hotel. (eng)

102708 2008 活力 十足 参加 首次 新加坡 举办 F1 国际 汽车 大奖 表演 声名 马来西亚 东京 土耳其 韩国

This dynamic dance troupe was invited in 2008 to perform for the F1_Grand_Prix_Race , held for the first time in Singapore , and has made its presence known in Malaysia , Tokyo , Turkey and Korea . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>