6 Results for: (Concept:90000503-n)
60141 明年 一月 一日 首相

Who will be in the position of prime minister on January 1st next year ? (eng)

60224 贝卢斯哥尼 首相 辞职 引发 意大利 政治 危机 肯定 延续 明年 不过 推举 迪皮埃特罗 检察官 首相 组织 已经 宣布 成立 检察官 抗议 围绕 查处 政治 腐败 政治 压力

It has become sure that the political crisis in Italy , sparked by the resignation of Prime_Minister_Berlusconi , will extend well into next year , while in another political move , a committee has been formed to push into the Prime_Minister post the former Prosecutor_DiPietro , who had resigned to protest " political pressure " regarding the corruption investigation . (eng)

60275 美国 西雅图 召开 日美 经济 协商 包括 金融 服务 领域 在内 三十日 具体 内容 没有 达成 协议 情况 结束 日程 最后 结论 留待 明年

The financial services negotiations of the Japan-US_Framework_for_New_Economic_Partnership in Seattle closed on the 30th with specifics undecided , carrying the end result over to new year 's meeting . (eng)

60588 迎接 明年 亚特兰大 奥运会 进行 选手 交替

Young contenders are replacing their seniors in each country , and are coming to the competition with an eye toward next year 's Atlanta games . (eng)

60659 筒井 目前 状况 没有 再次 执笔 可能性 所以 只好 演员 明年 展示 作为 演员 才能

Tsutsui says , " Under current circumstances , there is no possibility that I would resume writing , " and " Well , I will have no alternative but to act . Please see how good an actor I will be in 1995 . " (eng)

61815 根据 调查 明年 美国 总统 选举 认为 克林顿 总统 再次 当选 国民 只有 24% 预测 难以 再次 当选 达到 65%

According to the poll , only 24 percent of the American public expect President_Clinton to be re-elected next year , and the percentage of those who forecasted his re-election to be unlikely reached as high as 65 percent . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>