3 Results for: (Concept:90000416-n)
100734 Atau , cicipi beberapa makanan jalanan India terbaik di Singapura seperti roti prata ( semacam martabak kosong yang gurih ) dan thosai ( panekuk ala India ) di Tekka Market and Food Centre .

Or taste some of the best Indian hawker food in Singapore such as roti prata ( dough flat bread ) and thosai ( Indian-styled pancakes ) at Tekka_Market and Food_Centre . (eng)

101087 Anda juga bisa mencicipi hidangan India Muslim lokal yang populer seperti roti prata , martabak ( prata yang diisi daging cincang , telur dan bawang ) , dan nasi briyani , yaitu hidangan nasi saffron dengan ayam atau kambing pedas .

You can also get a taste of popular local Indian-Muslim dishes such as roti pratas , murtabak - ( prata stuffed with minced meat , eggs and onions ) and nasi briyani , a saffron rice dish with spicy chicken or mutton . (eng)

102689 Cobalah roti prata , roti goreng renyah yang disajikan dengan kari , atau cobalah martabak roti goreng yang diisi irisan ayam atau kambing , bawang dan telur .

Sample the roti prata, a flaky griddle fried bread served with curry, or try the murtabak – fried bread stuffed with shredded chicken or mutton, onions and egg. (eng)

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