8 Results for: (Concept:90000321-n)
102702 如果 体验 大宝森 这里

Dedicated to the six- faced Lord_Subramaniam ( Lord Muruga ) , this is the place to be if you want to experience the annual Thaipusam procession . (eng)

102793 大宝森 Thaipusam 象征 意义 新加坡 泰米尔 社区 特别 推崇 印度教 节日

Thaipusam is a highly symbolic Hindu festival celebrated by Singapore's Tamil community . (eng)

102793 大宝森 Thaipusam 象征 意义 新加坡 泰米尔 社区 特别 推崇 印度教 节日

Thaipusam is a highly symbolic Hindu festival celebrated by Singapore's Tamil community . (eng)

102795 大宝森 旨在 纪念 战胜 邪恶 赋予 印度 美德 青春 力量 苏布拉马亚 称为 姆鲁卡

Celebrated in honour of Lord_Subrahmanya ( also known as Lord_Murugan ) , who represents virtue , youth and power to Hindus and is the destroyer of evil , it is held during the full moon in the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

102795 大宝森 旨在 纪念 战胜 邪恶 赋予 印度 美德 青春 力量 苏布拉马亚 称为 姆鲁卡

Celebrated in honour of Lord_Subrahmanya ( also known as Lord_Murugan ) , who represents virtue , youth and power to Hindus and is the destroyer of evil , it is held during the full moon in the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

102797 新加坡 大宝森 仪式 清晨 开始 祈福 还愿 信徒 斯里 尼瓦沙柏鲁马 兴都 Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple 出发 行经 实龙岗 最终 到达 位于 坦克 丹达乌他帕尼 兴都 Sri Thandayuthapani Temple 全程 4.5 公里

In Singapore , the Thaipusam ceremony starts in the early hours of the morning where devotees fulfill their vows with a 4.5 km walk from Sri_Srinivasa_Perumal_Temple along Serangoon_Road to Sri_Thendayuthapani_Temple on Tank_Road . (eng)

102810 新加坡 见证 神圣 大宝森 宗教 仪式 体验 真正 信仰

Witness the sacred ritual of Thaipusam when in Singapore , a true act of faith . (eng)

102810 新加坡 见证 神圣 大宝森 宗教 仪式 体验 真正 信仰

Witness the sacred ritual of Thaipusam when in Singapore , a true act of faith . (eng)

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