8 Results for: (Concept:90000319-n)
100482 期间 舞狮 表演 女性 舞蹈 竞相 迷人 表演 牛车水 广场 增添 无穷 魅力

This is when lion dancers , fire eaters and female dance troupes grace Kreta_Ayer_Square with their mesmerising performances . (eng)

100485 整个 城市 大街小巷 舞龙 舞狮 表演 随处可见 新春 佳节 营造 愉悦 节日 气氛

All across the city , you 'll notice dragon and lion dances everywhere lending a cheery , festive atmosphere to the occasion . (eng)

100501 近年来 发展 成为 盛大 街头 游行 汇集 舞蹈 街头 彩车 踩高跷 舞狮 舞龙 小丑 杂技 表演 众多 精彩 纷呈 表演

The Chingay Parade is a traditional Chinese New Year procession that has grown in recent years to become a massive street parade, boasting a stunning array of dancers, street floats, jugglers, percussionists, lion and dragon dancers, clowns and acrobats, among others. (eng)

100511 期间 举行 各种 舞狮 舞龙 表演 新加坡 人民 协会 爆竹 舞龙 带来 舞龙 绚丽 烟花 融合 一起 壮观 舞蹈 表演 勇敢 无畏 舞龙 有如 杂耍 穿行 噼啪 燃放 爆竹 之间

Various lion and dragon dances are also held during this time – with acts such as Singapore’s People’s Association Firecracker Dragons Dance, a magnificent and awe-inspiring combination of dance and pyrotechnic acts, where valiant performers weave through acrobatically under bright red burning sparklers. (eng)

101552 作为 表演 舞狮 历史 追溯 1500

101553 新加坡 舞狮 主要 表演 场合 建筑物 办公 场所 商店 正式 开业

101557 此后 这个 巧妙 计划 每年 奏效 因此 现在 每年 人们 都会 进行 舞狮 表演 作为 庆祝

Their ingenious plan was followed with success and henceforth , the lion dance was performed annually to celebrate it . The best time and place to witness lion dance performances is on the eve of Chinese_New_Year in Chinatown , where you can also enjoy the Chinatown Street Light Up at the same time . (eng)

101558 观看 舞狮 最佳 时机 最佳 地点 当夜 除夕 牛车水

Their ingenious plan was followed with success and henceforth , the lion dance was performed annually to celebrate it . The best time and place to witness lion dance performances is on the eve of Chinese_New_Year in Chinatown , where you can also enjoy the Chinatown Street Light Up at the same time . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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