8 Results for: (Concept:90000311-n)
103007 卫塞节 Vesak Day 佛教 重要 世界 各地 佛教徒 过节

Vesak_Day is the most significant day of the year in the Buddhist calendar and is celebrated by Buddhists the world over . (eng)

103009 新加坡 人们 通常 5 月份 中国 农历 4 15 那天 卫塞节

In Singapore , Vesak_Day usually falls in the month of May , on the 15th day of the fourth month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar . (eng)

103013 佛教徒 相信 卫塞节 行善 将来 获得 加倍 善报

Buddhists believe that performing good deeds on Vesak_Day will multiply merit many times over . (eng)

103015 卫塞节 举行 一般 礼仪 仪式 包括 经文 笼鸟 动物 吃素 沐浴 佛像 —— 根据 佛陀 出生 不久 洗浴 传说

Buddhist youth sometimes organise mass blood donations at hospitals , while general rites and rituals practiced on Vesak_Day include chanting of mantras ; releasing of caged birds and animals ; having vegetarian meals ; and " bathing " a Buddha statue , a reference to the legend of the child Buddha being showered with the waters of nine dragons soon after birth . (eng)

103017 卫塞节 大多数 佛像 重新 装饰 一番

Most statues of the Lord_Buddha are illuminated on Vesak_Day , and the celebrations conclude with a candlelight procession through the streets . (eng)

103024 新加坡 大乘 佛教 寺庙 位于 光明 山路 普觉 卫塞节 举行 仪式

Mahayana_Buddhist temples in Singapore like the Phor_Kark_See_Temple on Bright_Hill_Road , practise the " three- step , one- bow " ritual on Vesak_Day , where devotees take steps on both knees , bowing at every third step as they pray for world peace , personal blessings and repentance . (eng)

103029 位于 芽笼 缅甸 玉佛 位于 迈克 St Michael's Road 锡兰 寺庙 Sri Lankaramaya Temple 卫塞节 举行 牛奶 米饭 仪式 纪念 佛祖 最后 此后 经过 时间 斋戒 成功

Mainly practised by Singapore's Sri Lankan and Burmese communities , the Burmese_Buddhist_Temple at Geylang and the Sri_Lankaramaya_Temple at St_Michael_'s_Road practise a ritual of cooking a pot of rice in milk on Vesak_Day , reminiscent of Buddha 's last meal before his long fast toward enlightenment . (eng)

103032 佛牙 举行 各种 仪式 活动 纪念 卫塞节

You can also soak in the spirit of the Vesak_Day celebrations at The_Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple , a four-storey spiritual centre in the heart of Chinatown . (eng)

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